Schlaglichter 2014

American and German Libraries and Archives
& the Contemporary Artist's Book. A Transatlantic Colloquium

In association with ARLIS/NA and the Deutsches Buch- und
Schriftmuseum, supported by BI-International
04./05.12.2014, Leipzig

Doro Boehme: 1, 2, 3, 6, 6000: Building an instructional collection of artists' Books

Dr. Stephen Bury: And what have we got here? Cataloging and processing of artists' books

Dr. Michael Lailach: ... a kind of a HUH? Artists' books in the museum and in the library

Dr. Stefan Soltek: The books of the artists and their appearence at the Klingspor- Museum

Kontakt und Anmeldung

Initiative Fortbildung für wissenschaftliche Spezialbibliotheken und verwandte Einrichtungen e.V.
c/o Zentral- u. Landesbibl. Berlin
Postfach 610179
10922 Berlin

Telefon: 030 91 70 44-16
Fax: 030 91 70 44-18
Mobil: 0160 99530089
E-Mail: Evelin Morgenstern 
